Running successful digital leadership / management events and team meetings

While it won’t replace many of the synergistic and collaborative benefits of having a live F2F event we have found through hundreds of hours experience that a lot can be achieved in building teams and creating alignment around the delivery of strategic goals and objectives. Careful planning and an Appreciative Inquiry approach are keys to success.

Here are some tips for running digital leadership /management events and facilitating team meetings. We can support you and your team in delivering excellent digital events and meetings.


Preparation / Planning


DO >>>

  • Agree with the sponsor the outcome that is required

  • Prepare /script session in detail and stick to the timetable; limit facilitator inputs;

  • Emphasize & build in participant engagement

  • Send agenda out in advance, people like certainty on timing

  • Think more like a TV Producer rather than a manager

DON’T >>>

  • Think that you can make it up as you go along

  • Think it’s a replica of a F2F session

  • Underestimate the planning involved – it can take 1-2x times the length of the session





DO >>>

  • Limit the time “online” – max 2.5 hours; break of 10 mins after 1 hour. Stretch breaks every 30-40 mins (30 secs)

  • Keep things moving with a sense of pace

  • Limit the size of the group – ideally no more than 5 – 7

  • For larger groups use break outs with a facilitator for each group; bring together for feedback in a plenary session

  • Use tech functions well - Consider using Whiteboard; Document sharing; /voting; word clouds; chat; Q&A polling

DON’T >>>

  • Assume that a person can be a manager /participant and facilitator

  • Assume all participants are tech-savvy

  • Fail to anticipate tech glitches; explain what to do if connection goes etc.



Setting out expectations / ground rules early


DO >>>

  • Require that cameras remain “on” at all times

  • Inform participants that you will randomly ask them for their comments, views on an ongoing basis – this means that they know that they need to stay engaged

  • Require that people in the breakout room appoint a note taker and someone to report back to the plenary session.

DON’T >>>

  • Change or move the goalposts (outcome; frequency; length of session)

  • Assume that people will stay engaged –zoom fatigue sets in





DO >>>

  • An opening /introduction round even if people know each other; it helps people “arrive” & connect; and puts them at ease; and gets them speaking early

  • Use breakout rooms for 2 – 4 people to have a dialogue about each issue

  • Capture the issues that arise but are not for this meeting

  • Have a “go around” the virtual table at the end of each session. What went well? One thing that could be improved?

DON’T >>>

  • Panic if energy seems to drop – suggest a break and the focus when you return

  • Underestimate how tiring it is as compared with a F2F session

  • Let the interactions stray too far from the agenda


Investing the time and effort up front will increase the success of your event. A different approach needs to be taken to F2F meetings but our experience is that success is possible with thought and preparation.

For more information, please contact one of our consultants or email us at

Lucy O'Reilly